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Twoshoes last won the day on March 26

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About Twoshoes

  • Birthday 04/03/1955

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    Country walking, reading and writing poetry (yeah I know), World Cinema (Audrey Tautou, oo la la), real ale and pies.
  • Top Soul Sound
    Jack Hammer What Greater love,

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  • A brief intro...
    Started my soul journey with friends at school,been through all genres of our great music, tend towards rare underplayed and contemporary these days,always open for anything new

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  1. Haven't seen mention on here but have just seen on a music site the sad passing at 89 Sugar Pie DeSanto on the 20th Dec. Soulful Dress was a must have in my group of friends when I first started collecting.
  2. Merry Christmas everybody, may one of you receive from your loved one the 7" you've always dreamt of owning, having said let's remember though I'm not particularly religious the reason we celebrate the season. Hope you all have a stress free joyful couple of days, big thanks to Mike and the team.
  3. Yes some nice releases, I've got a couple but sadly came back to buying too late to get the ones above which are now out of my price range.
  4. Sorry to hear of your illness , good that you try to have a positive attitude and yes as I know all too well from a family tragedy life is very very precious. Give me someone with a sense of humour every time, unfortunately mine has often missed the mark with the recipient.
  5. Not a topic to have a whinge about what irritates you, more have you become more or less tolerant as you have got older. Do the little things that used to pass you by now irritate the hell out of you or can you let them go. I've had several conversations lately with men of a similar age , some with friends and others with strangers at the bus stop for instance. It usually starts moaning about the bus being late and progresses from there into the general lack of respect, manners etc and onto the current hot topic of the week. Please don't turn this into your own personal bug bear we've had threads before on that and I know Mike isn't keen on a moan fest. I'm more interested in the "is it just me" aspect , do life's minor irritations get to you more ,do you avoid the news and live in your own bubble, I watch the news more now than I have ever done and maybe that contributes to me joining more conversations being better informed, it used to be a mantra of mine at work that no I don't watch the news I've got enough crap going on in my own life without worrying about things I have no control over. Due to the positive attitude of Lou my partner I am a lot more philosophical about things that go wrong like a recent dropping of my phone in the toilet, Ah well s**t happens ,it wasn't fully submerged ,wouldn't charge afterwards but thankfully Professor internet offered the solution. Years ago I would have moped about for days cursing my luck. I got talking to a guy outside my Granddaughter's school waiting to take her home, she recently moved schools, when i told the guy I wouldn't be there anymore and I'd miss our conversations he said more or less the same adding "who am I going to have a good moan with now". Do you find it does you good to get things off your chest especially to another man, does the Victor Meldrew in us leach out as we get older. I have changed from a glass half full to being thankful for everything I have. Mods please feel free to lock topic if you think it's going to turn into the above mentioned "moan fest" which wasn't my intention.
  6. A series that with a changing cast never dropped in quality, many treats still in store for you Ted, William Shatner ages like a fine wine.
  7. That's good to know for future reference, fingers crossed where I live there are relatively few houses and most of my neighbours have lived here for several years, the postmen rarely change hence I have had no problems with Royal Mail deliveries. Cheers for the update.
  8. Glad you got it cleared up, I know if it had been me I would have had a couple of sleepless nights thinking my neighbour possibly thought I was a thief. Sadly I think common decency like manners in a lot of teenagers are fast becoming a thing of the past.
  9. I think any course of action you take very much depends on the attitude of the neighbour. If you could work together contacting the sorting office where the parcel was sent out from telling them what has happened they will know or should do who was on your round on that particular day, the fact you would be jointly making the enquiry would I think strengthen your case that the parcel has not been delivered to either of you. Dependant on how good and how much of the hand is shown in the picture would it be possible to identify the hand as not yours, I say this because on my hands i have several scars through my work, also if it is clear the hand is either from a much younger person etc. I would definitely go and speak to the neighbour one way or another for your own piece of mind as much as anything else. If indeed you do get the feeling they think you have stolen the parcel then I'd contact the post office making them aware that you are stressed due to a perceived accusation of theft which you would hope would make them look into the delivery. not sure any of this helps but hope you get it sorted, I know how I would feel were it to happen to me.
  10. Me neither Karl, and I wouldn't want it to, neither does the small amount of 80's/90's indie and Electronic plus 60's pop I own but they do serve to give and reinforce the real passion that I have and get from all genres of Soul music that like you i have listened to and collected for over 60yrs. Nothing music wise can replace the thrill I still get and the memory of hearing for the first time the likes of the first bars of Shirley and the Shirelles , Bob Kuban the Contours, dropping the needle on Millie Jackson's Caught Up album and phoning my mate to tell him he had to drop everything and come round now for a listen, plus countless others that were my introduction to this fabulous music. As I said above, at this moment in time I would probably,buy the Lenny track were it released, then again down the line when it comes to actually pressing the "pay now " button after scrolling through my wants list I possibly won't.
  11. I've come back to this thread after following the Ai Poll thread. I don't know how many have listened to the actual podcast, I hadn't until yesterday and I have to say it did make me think a bit more deeply about the subject. It didn't change my opinion of how I voted which was "depends" based on as long as there is no intention to deceive you can take it or leave it. I did find Colin very personable and his explanation of his intentions for me threw a different light on the project. I found it to be a very enjoyable hour of new music, most I liked a couple were so so but that would have been my take on a normal hour of listening. Something was nagging at me whilst listening which I could not put my finger on until when it ended I put on some records,can't remember what exactly though one was a male vocal, great as the tunes were and yes I would probably buy the Lenny and the Illustrators were it to appear as a single for me the warmth in the voice was missing. Those little inflections that catch you unawares and stir something inside. I believe as with the Michael Parkinson interviews using Ai that it is possible to clone a voice, here is where I see potential to deceive , how long before someone with the wherewithal to own the latest technology clones lets say Chuck Jackson's and comes up with an unreleased unearthed acetate. The good thing about that is with the internet and wealth of knowledge that exists it maybe would not take long for the truth to be exposed as people searched for the provenance. I would say to anyone who has not listened to the whole podcast and has judged these particular tracks purely on the sound bites on the Riker site to listen to Colin's explanations and the stories behind why he did the tunes. It probably won't change you opinion of Ai or these in particular but it will give a better understanding of his project. Looking to the future, much rather this than the travesty (IMHO) that is the Jeffries and Early remix call it what you will of Al Green's Let's Stay Together,listen at your peril.
  12. That made me smile, I bet there's a few internet searches going on by the young guns on here
  13. Hi, thank you for the reply, record I was looking at was from the Uk, I've just never noticed the vat notice before. I'm aware of cost of sending to Spain and buying from abroad in general I have a mate who lives out there and has asked me never to post him anything just to wait till he comes back here which is frequently after his sister in law sent him a birthday present which cost him more to pick up from the post office than it did to buy.
  14. Has this been covered before, is it me not being observant I just looked at a record on Discogs , I've never noticed it before but it says Vat fees will be added at checkout, is this something new. I checked invoice for earlier this week and there was no mention of Vat just the price of the two records and postage. Any views, ideas, solutions.
  15. For anyone who watched the previous three starting next week on Sky Atlantic fourth series of the Italian series My Brilliant Friend. After watching the previous three I was moved to read the books, l usually like to do it the other way around but watching the series actually gave me more a sense of the Naples the books were set in.

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