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Tlscapital last won the day on May 5

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About Tlscapital

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brussels, Belgium
  • Top Soul Sound
    Spyder Turner 'I can't make it anymore'

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  • A brief intro...
    Crate digger since my early teens, I always did favor my northern soul 45's. At the same time I also always loved my souls in the broader sense at the same time. My modern and deeper 45 always had room on my 45's home sessions. Even when I occasionally DeeJay'ed to empty the dance floor with pride ! Records crate digging became problematic the last decade, so lately I finally took the time to tweak and invest in my phono set-up to give justice to my OVO's for a blast. IT'S ALIVE ! I'm passionate so I'm radical ;)

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  1. So apparently that eVilBay Carolina Soul recent auction sky high jump in price didn't reflect a sudden popularity of the record on the NS front but was likely a one off crazy American deep pocket's collectors moment.
  2. Yes but a sudden recent boom in play to explain a sudden double plus (triple) in price ?
  3. What's the status on this one now on the Northern Soul front ? Is it big a second time around or was the eVilBay's Carolina Soul last September auction another one of these mental 'one off' over the roof finishing auction ?
  4. Yes but the 'partial refund' on their end was not completed while you transferred all these sales funds onto your bank account by which time eVilBay couldn't gather the funds from there and then anymore. If so It maybe a time in action criss-cross situation that putted you in that situation now. Could it ? Or not ?
  5. Nope, can't advise you what to do from here but you should have gone on his original payment and issued him a 'partial refund' with a comment like 'on postage fee' to make it simpler I believe. At least that's how simple it was in the past... But good luck into their rips-off 'seller's services' if ever.
  6. Yes. Who first did 'Hot Wire' on Grand Land (later re done by Al Green) then re-released on Palmer then who did 'Savin' All My Lovin'.
  7. When I first got me my copy of the People's Choice (that was THE humming tune in my head back then) and played it home I instinctively played Al Green's 'Don't Leave Me' after not knowing then the interconnections. And while playing 'Easy To Be True' I then played 'Back Up Train' and realized that these sessions really had something in common....
  8. Likely the prices it commands finally allowed some stateside collectors to finally part with their old filler copies. Most in VG downward condition. All at once. But for how long ? Guessing that they pressed up as many promotional copies as the People's Choice for the very few stockers of the Jimmy Mack to be found it should be rarer on that account alone... But I agree with you that the People's Choice is a hell of a tune. And in comparison much better. Something's off for me with 'My World Is On Fire'. While Jimmy's flip 'Go On' is my play side....
  9. OK I get your point on the 'dee-jay' and the NS dancers in this matter (but also true in other circles). We see it happening just too often. Until the forwarded dee-jays get shadowed by some BIG name for "kicking it off"... Any of that do indeed affect the demand and so the prices accordingly.
  10. In real the Monarch styrene abc (not PARAMOUNT) pressing is the rarest pressing variant for this Shepards 45. Then comes its abc stocker vinyl counterpart. Then only the ABC-PARAMOUNT stocker and finally its white label promo variant being the most "common" one. Not necessary less desirable all the same. Yet I'd doubt that the price should differ that much in regard of rarity factor for any of these variants. Just a seller's pitch infatuation argument IMHO.
  11. Little only. More punters than collectors or acrobatic dancers IMHE.
  12. Yes more of a 'belief' indeed but dates, places, peoples and similarity in voice and singing and first name make it a theory. Only that but it 'holds water' IMHO too.

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